Valentine's Day Sale

Spring Marketing Board Templates by Jamie Schultz Designs

If you're not signed up for my email newsletter than you may have missed the Valentine's Day Sale announcement! Take 40% off your entire purchase plus receive the Spring Marketing Board templates as a FREE GIFT with any purchase of $20 or more. Use code: vday14

I also included an article in the newsletter outlining a variety of Spring session ideas to help build word-of-mouth business this Spring. One idea was to offer "Senior Friend Sessions" where you invite a group of friends to book a session where they get a little taste of your work. You'll likely see each of them back for their personal senior session PLUS when their classmates see your images they'll likely want to book with you as well. I'll be sending educational newsletters throughout the year so if you'd like to receive them please sign up by clicking on the "special offers" icon on the site. 

Spring Marketing Board templates by Jamie Schultz Designs